Wednesday, April 14, 2010

Hindu-Blog: Each Day of a Week Dedicated to a Particular Hindu God

Namaste, Hari Om,

In Hinduism some say we have to many Gods, but as posted earlier, this concept is not to be taken at literal value by saying they are all seperate and totally different. As noted in the earlier Lord Vishnu post, different forms appear for various reasons. In the bigger picture, there is only one divine force that does not care about backgrounds or gender or culture etc.. Its that true supreme aspect that holds us all in warm hands. It is only us who forgets the love and only calls the all mighty's name when we are in suffering and sorrow - We should never forget the great name of God, for the rememberance alone can help us walk this difficult path called life.

Check out the link that describes the various days of the week for Hindu Gods - Its very informative and interesting. There are many reasons bheind this, not just a special assignment. As you know, like many religious calendars in the world, Hindu calendars are not normal calendars. They contain special times and descriptions on key events throughout a day that is in paralell with the universe. Things happen all the time due to plaentary pull and energy, thus we have to do certain things at certain times. It may sound complicated but energy emits from the universe, we should always try to go with the flow of the universe and work with the energy..Thus a calendar can help us, and having such a calendar can help us know what to do on a special day to have the greatest effect!

Those who are pulled towards a particular God will enjoy this as they can find peace in bhakti for that particular God on a special day, and as always, keep on checking your Hindu Calendar!

Please enjoy this explanation from!
Jai Shri Ram,

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