Monday, February 1, 2010

Hindu Calendar: February 2, 2010 - Angarak Sankasti Chaturthi (Chowth)

Namaste, HariOm,

This is another great day, it takes place everymonth in the Hindu Calendar, please read below. Its in regards to Lord Ganesh as this day is great for praising Lord Ganesh to help us to remove obstacles.

Below article found on Hindu-Blog.

"Angarak Ganesh Chaturthi is an auspicious day dedicated to Lord Ganesha in a traditional Hindu calendar. In 2010, there is an Angarak Ganesh Chaturthi on February 2. Angaraki Chaturthi is observed when the monthly Sankashti Chaturthi falls on a Tuesday. The day is then considered highly auspicious. Sankashta Chaturthi Vrata is observed on the fourth day during the waning phase of the moon (Krishna Paksha) or fourth day after the full moon.

Angarak, or Angaraka, means fire and the name because Tuesday or Mangalwar is governed by Hindu God Mangal.

Sankashti Chaturthi Vrat is from sunrise up to the sighting of moon in the evening. Sankashti Chaturthi Vrat is also known as Sankatahara Chaturthi.

The importance of Sankashti Chaturthi Vrat was explained by Lord Krishna to Yudhishtira, the eldest of the Pandavas. It is also detailed in the Narasimha Purana and Bhavishaya Purana.

It is widely believed by Lord Ganesha devotees that observing Sankashti Chaturthi will bring material progress, happiness and fulfillment of desires.

There is a huge rush in temples dedicated to Lord Ganesh on Angarak Ganesh Chaturthi, especially in Maharashtra." -
Also, more info on Lord Ganesh Here.

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