Sunday, January 10, 2010

Hindu Calendar: Why should we follow it? And the Importance?

Namaste, Hari Om,

I will be posting upcoming important days on the Hindu calendar and will try to explain why the dates posted are important. In Hinduism, there are auspicious days to do certain things, i.e. buy a house, perform marriage, plant, travel or complete a business deal. This is no where near superstition or some type of weird magic - to me its science! There are magnetic energy and other types of energy that emits from the universe (i.e. how does the moon spin or how does the sun rise, via this energy). Therefore the planets have an effect on certain things that takes place, and in our bodies we have that same enegery (as we are all one with the universe) - and when there is an imbalance (depending on your birth/timing) you can also be imbalanced. Its similar to the saying, be careful on days of fullmoon as there could be arguments or bad things - this means that for some people, the full moon has a negative effect on them thus having short temper etc..

The link belows describe in more detail about the Hindu calendar and some of the timings etc..

" The study and daily use of the Hindu Calendar helps the conscientious individual to understand and monitor the prevailing forces of each day. With this knowledge, he or she is able to flow with the river of life, "creatively alive and in tune with the universe." We are all well aware of the concepts of "good timing" and "bad timing" and how at certain times everything seems to be flowing along smoothly, while at other moments things "just don't come together." The calendar provides knowledge to understand such phenomena, so that one can take advantage of auspicious moments and avoid new undertakings when the creative forces are on the wane. "


In an effort to do better and enhance our path of a bhakt (devotee) to God, we should all try to remember and perform sacrifice (i.e. fasting or offering special prayers) to God on these days.

We lead very busy lives but taking the time to remeber and contimplate on God during auspicious days will provide greater blessings or punya.

Its written in many places in Hinduism that before we took birth we told God, "Give us the human form (which is the highest amongst all species as we are closer to God) and I will worship you". To really enhance our awareness in Hinduism, we should look at the Hindu calendar and observe the days coming to plan a fasting or puja at home and chanting the name of God.

In the end, the Hindu calendar is more than a set of dates, it is exact science, the energies of the world have been around for ages, and we all should strive to understand this to enhance our lives.

Last note, I have posted a link to the Hindu Calendar on the links section to the right, please check to keep your self informed, i.e. Jan 12th 2010 is a Lord Shiva day, I will be posting why that day is important and what we should do to get the most blessings/merit out of that day.

Jai Shri SitaRam,
Hari Om,

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