Sunday, July 28, 2019

Swami Jyotirmayananda - quote Twitter

Please follow @SwamijiYRF on twitter

Live to discover, "God is the Doer, I am an Instrument in His Hand." With every act of goodness, Feel the Divine Touch! Enfolded by God!OM!

Quote from Dalai Lama

It's useful to reflect not only on how anger, fear and suspicion destroy our peace of mind, but also on how peace of mind gives us the confidence to act honestly and truthfully. We are social animals and we need friends. We make friends on the basis of trust.

Friday, July 26, 2019

Thursday, July 25, 2019

July 25, 2019 - Quote

''Be aware that you are beyond this earth. You are not your job, school rank, accomplishments or even a title. You are that divine spark''

- SimpleHinduBhai

July 25, 2019 - Article from Treasured Verses by Saint Kabir

Namaste readers!

Sorry for being away, i am officially back online!

I would like to start off with a wonderful offering, ''Treasured Verses by Saint Kabir'', translated by an inspirational Guru, Swami Jyotirmayananda Ji.

You can find more information at, or simply visit the Ashram in Miami as well.

This article comes from the Yoga Research Foundation's Internal Yoga Guide, Volume  56: No 8, April 2019.

One of the verses that applies to us all, sits with the reaction to negativity.

What someone else does to us is their Karma, how we react is our Karma. We have the ability to turn a negative situation into a positive karmic impact by the choice of our thoughts, reactions and emotions.

''If someone sows thorns for you, then (instead of being bitter) sow flowers for him. Because then, for you there will be nothing but flowers (as a result of your goodness); but for the person (who has sown thorns), there will be the trident (Karmic punishment) awaiting for him. (By your act of goodness, the person will experience a spiritual transformation in the triad of Seer, Seen and Sight!)''
- International Yoga Guide page 20.

Please keep positive!

Namaste, Hari Om,
