Wednesday, January 2, 2013

Diet and Spirituality's Connection?

Namaste, Hari Om,

Is my diet directly linked to spiritual growth? The real answer is, Yes.

There are many folks who forgo meat for a much more pure diet, then there are many folks who eat meat and still continue on their path of spirituality.

You don't have to have a special special diet to move up in the spiritual path. The same way you don't need warm clothes when climbing Mt. Everest.

You see, its doable, but one path takes a greater determination that is filled with a path of turbulence. Its not to say that one way is great, moderation is the key. There are vegetarians who are unhealthy, and meat eaters who are healthy etc.. It goes both way, what you eat is only half the battle, the other half is proportion and control.

I personally believe that we should care about the welfare of animals.  We all have levels of determination and beliefs that drives our own decisions. If someone asked me which is the rightful diet, from an economical, environmental, and compassionate pt of view, i would reccomend fruit based diet, followed by a vegan/fruit based diet. 

Remeber, be the change you want to see. Start off small, one meal a day per week and build on it. Become aware of the change and you will see the change. 

For more information check the link below on changing your diet. 

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