Sunday, July 26, 2020

Raga and Dwesha - Desire and Hatred (attachment)

Namaste, Hari Om Tat Sat,

in the recent Yoga Journal from, there is a great article on Insight into Raga Dwesha The ‘’Pairs of Opposites’’. 

Raga is attachment and Dwesha is hatred. 

The statement from Sri Swami Jyotirmayananda holds true, ‘’When one remains confined to the realm of mind and senses, and pursues or repels objects in this world based on these instruments, there will be pleasure and pain, a sense of agreement and disagreement, which will give rise to attachment (raga) and hatred (dwesha)’’ 

The ultimate goal is enlightenment, objects (people and things) that we desire truly do distract us. When there is a loss for that object or person we are even more distracted. Mental energy is precious just like time. When we have hatred (Dwesha) we also spend energy and time ignoring or avoiding objects or people. 

The way to avoid extremes in Raga and Dwesha is to have mental calmness. Being peaceful in the storm and in the calm sunny days as well. 

As Sri Swami Jyotirmayananda says, ‘’The secret to maintaining this serenity lies in developing devotion to God by promoting constant Satsanga’’. 

From the article, Sri Swami Ji outlines Satsanga as;

‘’Satsanga refera to the association with a spiritual preceptor or other persons of profound spiritual advancement, as well as the study of scriptures and reflection upon their meaning.’’

Don’t be trapped by Raga and Dwesha, truly think about your desires and hatred and face them. Does food, people, electronics or other things hold my interest and take my time? Is that TV show worth it etc..? What can I do with the time I am spending on these worldly objects and people who are not truly elevating me?

Same for Dwesha, why am I holding on to hatred, who am I really hating / distancing my self from? Is it even worth holding on to negative events or people? 

OmTat Sat

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